Though it is certainly important to ensure your home’s utilities, structure, and interior layout are suitable and functional, it is undeniable that the influence of a home’s exterior can make or break a sale. Homebuyers’ first impressions are based on the exterior of a home—including things like lawn maintenance, cleanliness of siding, porch decor, and more—and with sufficient curb appeal, you can effectively compel potential buyers to take a closer look at your property. When selling a home, it is crucial that you take into account how your property appears from the outside.
When looking to improve the curb appeal of your property, first assess the cleanliness of your home. Taking time to pressure wash decks and siding, mow the lawn, put away gardening tools, and removing any mildew or mold should be included in your first step. Potential buyers are more likely to reject a house without looking at its interior if the exterior is dirty or ill-managed. Naturally, cleaning the inside of your home is important, as well, but when addressing curb appeal concerns, cleanliness is an important factor than can go overlooked.
The size of your lawn may influence potential buyers’ attitudes, but it is more important to have a well-maintained lawn than a massive one. Buyers want to see healthy vegetation; if you have patches of dry or dead grass, the solution is typically a simple one. Just plant more grass seed, water the plot, and wait for new grass to sprout up. Trimming bushes and trees can make the property appear more sightly, and adding a new layer of mulch can radically transform the appearance of a property. Taking these simple, relatively cost-effective steps to improve your landscaping can greatly improve your sales prospects.
While you may not be in a position to completely repaint your home, you should address whether any areas could use a touch-up coat. One of the most effective areas to touch-up paint is actually your front door; because it is such a prominent feature of the house, you should strive to make it look as clean, inviting, and polished as you can. If you have lived in your home for many years, chances are, some areas could benefit from a new coat of paint.
There are many ways you can improve the curb appeal of your home, from planting and maintaining a garden to edging your sidewalk or driveway. Regardless of your methods, it is important to understand the difference curb appeal can make when trying to sell a home.