Multi-family real estate is very strong when it comes to generating cash flow. Even if a property has several vacancies, the cash flow will still continue to be strong. For instance, if a tenant moves out of a home, the entire property would become 100% vacant. On the...
Data from real estate sales shows that homes listed during the winter take longer to sell and sell for a lower price. However, this does not necessarily mean one should put off selling their home until late spring. Selling a home during the winter can still be very...
As we enter into the last quarter of 2019, the Canadian real estate industry is holding quite tight. Stakeholders in this industry, however, have something to worry about even as projections into the 2020 real estate market in the country is showing unfavorable signs....
Increasing the amount of living space without breaking the bank can be a tremendous challenge. One of the best ways to do go about creating more living space without bursting the budget is by renovating and finishing the basement. It is important when approaching a...
Selling your old home can be an exciting opportunity for every homeowner. Such homes, however, may prove to be difficult to successfully move in the market, especially since most homeowners desire new homes in pristine condition. However, thanks to real estate experts...
As every experienced realtor can agree, certain rooms will make or break a house’s appeal, and in turn, these same rooms often determine the speed and ease with which a house is sold. Successful and reliable realtors will work tirelessly to make these rooms look...