British Columbia’s Housing Market: A New Hope for Homebuyers?

British Columbia’s Housing Market: A New Hope for Homebuyers?

There are two great passions for BCers that pervade the province and dominate conversations: hockey and housing. One of the main points of discussion is that both are way more expensive than they used to be, or should be. I don’t have great solutions for bringing down...
The Different Types of Leadership

The Different Types of Leadership

Not all leaders follow the same playbook. On the contrary, different leaders have different skills and thus employ different leadership styles. However, when done well, they all have the same result – success.   1. Democratic Leadership This kind of leader leads...
How To Find New Hobbies to Keep You Satisfied

How To Find New Hobbies to Keep You Satisfied

Many define a hobby as doing something purely because you love to do it and not because it earns you money, praise from others, or any other form of ego-stroking recognition. A great hobby is something you don’t have to make an excuse for pursuing. You do it simply...
Three Ways to Boost Your Productivity This Year

Three Ways to Boost Your Productivity This Year

You want to be able to get as much done as you possibly can, but sometimes it feels like you can never get ahead. Many people have a tough time remaining productive. This can happen because of issues with motivation, but there are usually lots of factors to consider....
Most Common Rooms for Renovations

Most Common Rooms for Renovations

Updating rooms or tackling renovation projects in the home can improve its overall appearance as well as the value of the property. When it comes to renovations, there are certain areas of the home that are more popular. Undertaking renovation projects in these areas...
What to Know About Buying Land in Canada

What to Know About Buying Land in Canada

Canada is an enormous country; in fact, it makes up more than 6% of the surface of the Earth. This is great news for those dreaming of building residential, commercial, or other kinds of properties. The place to start is with the land. This information will help guide...