Multi-family real estate is very strong when it comes to generating cash flow. Even if a property has several vacancies, the cash flow will still continue to be strong. For instance, if a tenant moves out of a home, the entire property would become 100% vacant. On the...
Not all leaders follow the same playbook. On the contrary, different leaders have different skills and thus employ different leadership styles. However, when done well, they all have the same result – success. 1. Democratic Leadership This kind of leader leads...
Data from real estate sales shows that homes listed during the winter take longer to sell and sell for a lower price. However, this does not necessarily mean one should put off selling their home until late spring. Selling a home during the winter can still be very...
Changes in consumer behavior are continuing to shift the business of retail real estate. As people began to move away from national chains and seek out local business in their communities so do developers when deciding how to fill their retail space. When...
Real Estate Investing is about more than buying your next house or rental property. There is a lot of knowledge and wisdom (including both mental and emotional conditioning) that must go into investing, especially if you hope to make a profit from your investments....