Multi-family real estate is very strong when it comes to generating cash flow. Even if a property has several vacancies, the cash flow will still continue to be strong. For instance, if a tenant moves out of a home, the entire property would become 100% vacant. On the...
Updating rooms or tackling renovation projects in the home can improve its overall appearance as well as the value of the property. When it comes to renovations, there are certain areas of the home that are more popular. Undertaking renovation projects in these areas...
Canada is an enormous country; in fact, it makes up more than 6% of the surface of the Earth. This is great news for those dreaming of building residential, commercial, or other kinds of properties. The place to start is with the land. This information will help guide...
A real estate listing is every would-be homeowner’s first connection with a property. First-time agents have to master how to write a great real estate listing if they want to lure in potential buyers and close their first sale. Listings are not designed to be...
Data from real estate sales shows that homes listed during the winter take longer to sell and sell for a lower price. However, this does not necessarily mean one should put off selling their home until late spring. Selling a home during the winter can still be very...